The H Trust

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The H Trust is a consultancy dedicated to engaging in and accelerating healthful living in various contexts, be it home, campus, workplace, community, etc. The "H" signifies Healthfulness in terms of Community, Ecology, and Economy. An holistic, or systems approach, is vital in that systemic healthfulness considers all spheres of influence: personal, organizational, community, national, and planetary. As we restore this integrated understanding of the nature of Health, we become empowered to renew the Health of nature. Within this reciprocal understanding, abundant opportunities for experiencing benefit are revealed.

In order to optimize Healthfulness at any scale, trust must be established. Our service to clients is a sacred trust. This includes trust in oneself, in others, and perhaps in something larger than oneself. People may experience this expanded sense of being as connectedness or belonging via family, an organization, the community, the planet, or a creative force of some sort. Perhaps they are empowered by a personal mission of purposefulness.

The image for The H Trust is a reinterpretation of a common Hospital sign indicating the presence of Healthful services nearby. Our image employs a green and blue sphere, integrating health and nature.

The sun on the horizon indicates the healthful context of our lives: essential elements, natural cycles and rhythms, a balance of earth and sky (practice and spirit), abundant energy  (human and technological), etc. We hold a revitalizing future vision of healthfulness -- sunrise or sunset, life is good. Finally, the "H" itself is shown as pillars supported by a foundation of "trust."          215.262.5981
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